Nūma Breathwork


connect with your inner realm. renegotiate your trauma. create the life you desire. surrender to new possibilities. harmonize shadow & light. think creatively. 


    Nūma Breathwork


connect with your inner realm. renegotiate your trauma. create the life you desire. surrender to new possibilities. harmonize shadow & light. think creatively. 

Join our NÅ«ma Breathwork Facilitator Certification Program

Interested in becoming certified as a breathwork facilitator? Our comprehensive, multi-level training goes above and beyond to support you in being your extraordinary self while cultivating your humble yet remarkable capacity to support other humans in being their extraordinary selves.

Nūma (pneuma) is an ancient Greek word for both 

Breath & Spirit 


NÅ«ma is precious opportunity to meet yourself and other amazing human beings in a curious, vulnerable, authentic, embodied, and creatively expressive way.

It is the weaving together of life-transforming breathwork practices with trauma-informed somatic psycho-therapeutic investigations, somatic movement explorations, sound medicine, and so much more.

NÅ«ma Breathwork is a bridge between science and the sacred. It employs sensitive therapeutic processes as well as insightful and profound dives into non-ordinary states of consciousness. It is an empowering exploration of the continuum of human experience and a catalyst for resolving suffering, unleashing creativity, and rekindling the flame in our hearts and souls.

NÅ«ma Breathwork is rich for both client and practitioner. The practice fosters deep resolution and healing on all levels of being as it provides access to not only the stresses and trauma accumulated amidst this lived life but also during the birth process, the period of gestation, and, if your paradigm permits, the stresses and trauma that appear to be connected with past life happenings and the collective unconscious. The practice is an intimate engagement within the living moment where profound shifts in belief and relationship occur spontaneously leading to insight and behavioral shifts at a fundamental level.

On the practical level, the therapeutic offering can be extended beyond one-on-one sessions into semi-private and group formats affording the practitioner the capacity to serve many more people than is typically reachable within private practice.

"I had some of the most profound experiences knowing I was in good hands and could soar with the gentle techniques we practiced".

Kevin S

Weaving Mystical Experience with Science
Step into a world where healing and transformation intertwine. Each experience is a poetic dance with the soul. In this embrace, find your rhythm, awaken your heart, and let your spirit soar towards a horizon of profound growth and connection.
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