Recognizing that everyone’s financial situation is unique, we offer a sliding scale payment option from $3295 – $4995

Nūma Mystery School: Traversing Thresholds of Death & Rebirth

If you feel the call, let’s sit together in good company.  Let’s learn and grow together.  Let’s even flirt with redefining what it is to learn.  To play with what it is to be a Shapeshifter.

Traversing Thresholds of Death & Rebirth

The Threshold Adventure

September 22, 2024: Opening 6-hour Intensive (Online), 11am-5pm MST

September 24 – December 10: Online Meetings, every Tuesday, 6:30-9pm MST

November 18-24: Retreat

December 17: Closing Circle (Online), 6:30-9pm MST

The Threshold Adventure: Traversing Thresholds of Death & Rebirth

At the heart of the ancient Mystery Schools lies an invitation… to die before you die. Our journey into our thresholds of transformation and transmutation begins with exploring this invitation and what it is to consciously traverse the threshold of death and rebirth in all dimensions of our being.

The first few weeks of our adventure will be a period of clarification for the tender territory of our beliefs, anticipations, expectations, and resistances around letting go, grieving, and death. And, knowing that we are directly entering territory that can be scary for many people, we will take the time to concurrently foster our healthy resources to support our well-being along the way.

As we approach our in-person Nūma Mystery School water rebirth retreat we turn to death’s partner, birth. Birth is one of the biggest formative factors in each of our lives. The primal moments of conception, gestation, birth, and the first few months of our dawning lives are critical moments of learning that become the foundation for the rest of our lives. Stresses and traumas at this stage land pre-verbally and pre-conceptually for us; they don’t come with a narrative and end up feeling like our fixed character traits. They’re just the way we are, we’ve always been like that. Or so the story goes. But what if that’s not true? What if they can change? One way to transform things at this level is to go back to the womb. Our retreat will be a time to do just that, within the salty waters of Manitou. We will come together in support of each other renegotiating our birth stories and writing new ones. Prepare to discover what it is to be reborn. It may require some form of death, but we can guarantee it won’t be what you anticipate.

[ There are no refunds 30 days prior to the start date.]