Become a Breathwork Coach
300-Hour Nūma Breathwork
Facilitator Trainings:
A Somatic, Trauma-Informed Approach to Sacred Work
Upcoming Dates and Locations
Victoria, BC
Trainers: Ange Vander Schilden & Trevor Yelich
Level 1: March 12-16, 2025
Level 2: June 18-22, 2025
Level 3: November 5-9, 2025
Level 4: March 18-22, 2026
Calgary, AB
Trainers: Trevor Yelich & Guest Teachers
Level 1: June 6-10, 2025
Level 2: September 26-30, 2025
Level 3: January 30-February 3, 2026
Level 4: June 5-9, 2026
Toronto, ON
Trainers: Jenn Mansell & Trevor Yelich
Level 1: November 12-16, 2025
Levels 2, 3 & 4:
Check back soon for dates and registration!
Vancouver, BC
Trainers: Deus Fortier &
Trevor Yelich
Coming in 2026!
Saskatoon, SK
Trainers: Allison Bachmeier &
Trevor Yelich
Coming in 2026!
A Comprehensive Four Level,
300-Hour Training Series (160 in-person)
Authentic in Relationship & Communication
Deep in Quality Human Connection
Abundant in Compassion & Loving Presence
Meaningfully Steeped in Sacred Ceremony
Resplendent in the Mysteries of this Wild Multidimensional Experience
Clarified by Science
Rich in Direct Experience
Joyful in Celebrating the Unique & Shared
Well-Considered in Navigating Trauma

Come, embark on one of those types of journeys that flirts with being life changing. Whether you are looking to dive deeply into the rich and nuanced territory of breathwork facilitation for the sake of helping people or seeking a curious and safe-enough container for your own healing and creative manifestation in life, our 300-hour Nūma Breathwork Facilitator training is a transformational opportunity to realize your goals.
Our four level program steeps you in a deeply caring and exploratory approach to healing, manifestation of creative vision, and reclamation of authentic and vibrant aliveness. Balanced between evolving science, the mystical and sacred realms, and this humbling human mystery, you will explore the edges of yourself, your relations, and your perceived reality while fostering the capacity to lovingly and effectively support others in doing the same.
Part conventional, part unconventional… part ordinary human stories and part mythic... part known and part mysterious, we gather together to span the expanse of human experience in an intelligent and loving way. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to unburden your body, heart and mind as you steep in the wisdom, experience, and compassionate support of all gathered.
Read on for more
details about each level.
"The Conscious Connected Breathwork Facilitators Training expanded my consciousness of the healing benefits and brilliance of breathwork. Trevor holds a heartfelt space and brings a comprehensive background in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the practice. It was an honor to be a student. I left feeling like I’d found the golden ticket."
Michelle R., Calgary
We are Pilgrams: A passage through liminal space, inspired by possibility
As humans, we venture through liminal spaces - transitional periods and places of uncertainty - numerous times throughout life, whether we like it or not. Sometimes it is sparked by yearnings, inspirations, and dreams of new horizons. At other times, by the shaking up of what we thought we knew or had. In those latter moments, our confidence in our abilities and choices grows more tenuous and our ensuing anxiety and fear may have us grasping for something solid. These times of transition often prompt a seeking for guides, quality support, and new connections.

The Nūma Breathwork Facilitator training is more than simply an education in facilitation. Our time together is a rite-of-passage of sorts through one of these liminal spaces. It is a sustained opportunity to consciously separate ourselves from our habituated lives and knowledge and brave the unknown territory of learning with and from each other. It is inspired by what is possible yet not clear on what that even is, how it will manifest, or who we will be after. On this sacred pilgrimage we have opportunity to steep deeply in the liminal, discover what is next, bring our unique points-of-view and authentic voices to the forefront, and prepare for the return to the ordinary world bearing new gifts and lit-up vision.
Level 1:
The Fundamentals
Level 2:
The Deepening
Level 3:
The Expansion
Level 4:
The Embodiment
$1,395 - $1,695 per level (sliding scale)
Level 1: The Fundamentals
Nūma Breathwork Facilitator Training
5 Days, 75 hours (40 hours in-person)
Learning Objectives
Level 2: The Deepening
Nūma Breathwork Facilitator Training
5 Days, 75 hours (40 hours in-person)
Learning Objectives
"I feel f#@%ing incredible. I’m communicating more freely and seeing incredible changes in all of my relationships, especially with myself."
Jocelyn S., Calgary
Level 3: The Expansion
Nūma Breathwork Facilitator Training
5 Days, 75 hours (40 hours in-person)
Learning Objectives
"This work moves me at a soul level, and I am so grateful to have you as teachers, facilitators, and navigators. I feel so lucky to have found Nūma. The training is top-notch, I wouldn’t change a thing. The facilitators are an amazing team, and I appreciate how you hold space for us all. Thank you for this last session—it just keeps getting better & better."
Wendy A., Courtney
Level 4: The Embodiment
Nūma Breathwork Facilitator Training
5 Days, 75 hours (40 hours in-person)
Learning Objectives
"We're the ones we've been waiting for".
Facilitator Certification Requirements
In order to be recognized as a certified Nūma Breathwork Facilitator, students must complete Nūma Breathwork Facilitator Training Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4.
You will be required to attend a minimum of 90% of each five-day training level and complete all assigned web group studies, homework, and practicum hours. Assigned studies, homework, and practicum hours will require approximately 35 hours per level.
Please Note: Certification is not guaranteed. Each trainee must demonstrate that they are both competent with the theories, principles, and practices of Nūma Breathwork and capable of holding safe, confidential healing space for others. If any of these elements are in question, the trainee may be asked to complete additional practices or training to develop the specific skillsets prior to receiving certification as a Nūma Breathwork Facilitator.
Cancellation Policy:
We understand that life can change unexpectedly, and we are committed to supporting you with flexibility and care throughout your journey. If you need to cancel your registration, cancellations made 15 to 30 days prior to the event start date will receive a 50% refund. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations made less than 14 days before the event, as arrangements have already been made to reserve your space.